Jun 13, 2006 20:46
After a week off university classes started again and I feel somewhat unmotivated. Which is still better than probably 70% of the other students who don't show up to important courses at all these days, just five weeks before this semester's exams. It's understandable though, Germany is suffering from a massive heat wave [it was more than 32°C today] and the World Cup. When waiting for my tram today I witnessed a group of Spanish and Ukrainian fans hugging each other [I think the match in Leipzig is tomorrow], German flags [which is unheard of here] and myriads of tourists. Other points of interest in Germany these days: Bruno [aka JJ1], a brown bear on the loose in the border region between Austria and Germany and... no, that's it actually. I'll drive home on the weekend, can't wait to see my big fat Katze again. Another kittie is visiting me here quite often but she's absolutely crazy and hyperactive... when I'm on the computer, she steps on the keyboard, when I'm at the table she keeps jumping on it and lately she's been fond of climbing up my back. Insane. Also, my tickets for my summer vacation arrived last week - another seven weeks and I see Tammi again. Waiting is awful. Goodnight!