The Sporker FAQs

Dec 31, 2012 21:27

The Sporker FAQs

I, das_mervin, get a lot of questions. However, sometimes I get questions that aren’t for me, but are rather about the other sporkers here. Well, most of the time, I can’t exactly answer those. As such, I decided to make this post-this is so you can hopefully find a sporker you like and ask them the question specifically! Just go down and ( Read more... )

.sporker faq

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Re: ZeldaQueen zelda_queen January 27 2013, 06:05:20 UTC

The worst in terms of squick value is The Gang. It is just TERRIBLE. It is Neil basically saying that he is through with any and all pretenses of not being a pedo. IT IS WORSE THAN HOGWARTS EXPOSED, IN ALL CONCEIVABLE WAYS. Except for length, thank Christ. Seriously, I wasn't even planning on sporking it. I didn't think I COULD. I needed Raxis just to keep me from running away screaming.

I'd also nominate any fic of Gethesemane Butler's that I've sporked. They're boring and purple and all the fucking same, yes, but they also creep me the fuck out. It's so obvious that the Sues are her self inserts, which in and of itself isn't so bad, but they act in the most selfish, sociopathic, TERRIBLE ways, it just makes me cringe. I was really freaked by how Gethy saw that At World's End confirmed Calypso to be Davy Jones's love interest and she promptly turned Calypso from being just a paler version of her canon self (Heart of the Sea) to a psychotic yandere who kills babies and who Kate flat-out murders and is congratulated for it (Ghosts of the Abyss). Add in how she very obviously lies about being Gerard Butler's wife (excuse me - a guy named Erik who just so happens to look EXACTLY LIKE GERARD BUTLER), and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

In terms of published fiction, I'd go with Hush, Hush. It is just flat-out REVOLTING. It reminds me of the sort of fill someone would get if they went on a kink meme and said they wanted something with stalking, dub con, and Stockholm syndrome. It doesn't even try to pretend Patch isn't a murderous psycho. And we're expected to LIKE him for it. It's just horrific.


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