...I'm not dead yet!

Oct 18, 2010 16:50

Okay, so it has been a horrendously long time since I last updated. But I have excuses! ...Sort of!

The first (and main) excuse is university. When I started out, it seemed like a breeze, and that I would have tons of extra time to work on my stories/fanfic/Livejournal posts (what do you mean, a three-hour break between classes? Is that even possible? O_O). Now, nearly two months in, it's the dreaded Time of the Midterms, and everything seems to have gone mad (three hours? I've only got THREE HOURS to finish these assignments and study for my three midterms and make sure I know all my hiragana and katakana and vocab? D:). Updating LJ and working on stories has had to take a backseat to school for the time being - though I swear that chapter 5 of Untitled and part 5 of Suicide is Painless are at least halfway written!

The other excuse is that it's almost November, which means that it's almost NaNoWriMo. For the uninitiated, NaNo is basically an attempt to write a 50,000 word novel (original fiction, and can't have started writing it already - I would have done Untitled if that was the case) over the course of November. Now, i don't have American Thanksgiving to deal with (thank goodness), but I do have midterms, assignments and tests, oh my! So, I've been scrambling like mad to get at least some of my ideas marshalled, character sketches written and saved, get background information on the city my story is based in, et cetera, as well as working ahead in all five of my courses so that I have a bit of leeway when I start writing on November 1st.

All of the above have sucked the free time from my life, but I thought that I had better give the few of you who read this a bit of a heads up as to where I've been recently, and the reason I won't likely be updating much over the next month.

Wish me luck!

writing, musings

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