Bi-Weekly Fan Art Post #4

May 30, 2012 23:36

Okay guys, since it seems to be pretty quiet around here lately I thought I'd issue a challenge for this weeks fan art post, in hopes that it could inspire some more creative D/A art ;)


I've already seen some awesome ones out there, and I'd love to see everyone show off more of their amazing skills and create the moments that should have happened (or still could happen!) between out favorite TWD ship. If you'd like to share previous manips you've made so we have a bunch all in one place, that's perfectly fine too.

In addition to the challenge, feel free to post or request any other fan art creations you've made, including but not limited to drawings, wallpapers, icons, videos, gifs, and general graphics related to The Walking Dead!

fan art: icons, community: fan art post, fan art: graphics, fan art: drawings

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