[running] barefoot run #1

Apr 17, 2007 10:50

I aimed for 15 minutes and did 4.5. This is, not surprisingly, going to take some gradual adaptation. I currently have no plans to run in shoes again.

My plan had been to do more elliptical / treadmill at the gym yesterday morning, but the weather sucked a lot. So I decided to try running barefoot for a short time last night. I feel like I could have gotten a lot farther if I didn't walk through all the grit on the way to the bike trail. I could have pushed myself a lot farther but I'm currently interested in not breaking things. It was also suboptimal doing it at night, not being able to see the rocks and branches.

cathijosephine asked what the soles of my feet communicated to me that they hadn't through my sneakers. The answer was so obvious (and expected) that I had difficulty answering: "Don't land on your heels."

Then I jumped rope for 10 minutes, an excellent exercise. Last time, and first time I seriously tried that I went half an hour and ended up with a really nasty calf cramp for 4-5 days. cathijosephine helped a lot with massaging.

Iced my knee like I was told afterward, and no problems with anything so far.


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