Wild Dream

Jan 18, 2010 15:40

Last night I had the wildest dream. There was this school that had people of all ages, from 12 to about 50ish, in this long line. Once it was your turn to go in, they had you sit in this chair facing this super large screen. This guy was sitting in front to the side of you asking questions about pictures and movie clips on the super large screen. As you answered he wrote things down. The movie clips were things from Disney (its a dream so half the things my brain came up with where combo's Disney's movies and some very made up but sooo in the Disney fashion).

So at the end of this Q&A session I'm told that I'm a werewolf and I'll be fighting in the war. Apparently that was the whole purpose of the school. They asked you questions and based on that you were either a werewolf or a vampire ... no biting involved. I felt like I had missed the best part.

Leaving the school I find out that my lover is a vampire... Now of all the things, why couldn't I be a vampire... it's my dream damn it ... I want to a vampire. So through this whole dream there fights going on between the werewolves and the vampires, but my and my lover, we just kind of stay out of site... have to say, that was kind of fun. Anyway, I woke up kept replaying this dream over and over. I've never been a werewolf in a dream before, and to have a hot vampire lover... all in all, not bad. If only I had the real lover part to finish the dream. LOL
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