When I was in late primary school there was a book about Dr Who on the shelf in our classroom. It was a reference book with at least a page devoted to each of the doctors and various other pages about the companions and monsters. It was really out of place among the rest of the slim age appropriate fiction on offer (and which I had finished reading a year or so before - yes I was one of those children). Luckily (though I didn't think it at the time) no one else was into Dr Who so every free reading session I got hold of the Dr Who book and I remained absorbed for the fiftenn minutes. This absorption did lead to one of those embarrassing moments when I didn't notice that the teacher had called an end to reading time and when I looked up every other child in the class room had moved down to sit cross legged in front of the teacher. Which to my little childhood psyche was very embarrassing.
I have made a few attempts at figuring out which book my primary school reference was but so far no success - there seems to have been quite a range and I am not sure if the book was newly purchased or an old hand me down.
So thing the eigth is a page on Dr Who reference books -
http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Who_reference_books I feel like the book I was looking at may have been the 1982 Dr Who making of a television series as the front cover is vaguely familiar.