Back in February, I became aware of the "50 books for the year" idea. This idea reduced me to little-girl giggle hysterics. How could I not possibly read at least 50 books in a year? I devour the damned things. So at the time I started a list. I decided I was not allowed to cheat by doing December-December... I had spent Christmas break
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And, while we're on the subject, I give you this gem. snowdryad's entry from yesterday indirectly put me on this web-comic, Unshelved, and it has been eating my brain, and my day, today.
As for having your library organized, it is clear that your household is set apart from the Forces Of Chaos(TM). I used to have my library organized (not in any particular way, except that I knew where each book was). Then, I got married; then I had kids. It has since become apparent that, in my household, the respect for order resides principally in me, and I long ago had to start choosing my battles. Keeping my books organized was never chosen (or, at least, not more than twice...). (And getting them back on shelves -- any shelf in any order -- happens only periodically....)
[Sorry for the re-post -- had to fix the video link.]
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