Apr 27, 2007 19:07
stop being so god damn ambiguous.
be more openminded
be more straightforward
be more brave.
when we were kids, everything was so simple. a simple "i like you" was so easy to say. what happened. i guess we all grew up, and as we did, we became more self aware, less daring, clinging to the safety of the known. the curiosity of our childhood became nothing as we slowly stopped looking around and enjoying, exploring the unknown.
i am less openminded than i was when i was a kid. i feel repressed. the only time that side of me ever comes out is when i drink. im going to go as far as to say my inner child comes out when im drunk. all inhibitions gone, the sense of adventurousness at its peak again... i am nothing more than a child. i look at things a different way.
i digress.
god, there are so many things id like to say, so many things id like to do, however i stop myself, at the fear of being misunderstood or even worse.
im not a child, as much as id like to be one again.
ive lost my point yet again. *sigh