Three memes and some random RL.
ONE. How do you feel right now?
TWO. What's your favorite pastime?
for those who don't know me that would be tl;dring
THREE. Do you consider yourself a strange person?
FOUR. What's your main fandom?
SIX. How do you describe yourself?
SEVEN. What's your favorite icon to use besides your default?
this IS my default but I just made it like last week okay :c
EIGHT. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?
NINE. Do you have a WTF icon?
TEN. How do you feel towards love?
ELEVEN. Saddest icon?
TWELVE. Happiest icon?
THIRTEEN. Crackiest icon?
good enough to be used twice k :|
2. A 'get-to-know-you' meme! If you have time to waste, why not. \o/
01. Your First Name:02. Age:03. Single or Taken:04. Favorite Movie:05. Favorite Song or Album:06. Favorite Band/Artist:07. Dirty or Clean:08. Tattoos and/or Piercings:09. Do we know each other outside of LJ?10. What's your philosophy on life?11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?13. What is your favorite memory of us?14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?17. What's your biggest fandom [fandom you're most active in]?18. Which country is your spiritual home?19. What is your big weakness?20. Do you think I'm a good person?21. What was your best/favorite subject at school?22. Describe your accent:23. If you could change anything about me, would you?24. What do you wear to sleep?25. Trousers or skirts?26. Cigarettes or alcohol?27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? 3. List all of your RP characters that you have dropped in a game you're still in. You can also add why you dropped or struggled with them or your current interest level in the character, if you want.
sweet-shuriken: Idled out back when I was super busy last October, really. I thought about re-apping her several times, but with Somarium and work and everything in the end... I never got around to. orz; It just happened, in the end - she's by far the quietest of all my muses, not to mention my first. I'd like to play her again someday, in a small game, perhaps.
omelets-of-fury: This one I saw it coming. I can still hear her fine but I just couldn't bring MY energy level up to a point that could match hers. I'm optimistic and upbeat of nature too, but Farah far surpassed me in that regard. She's the type to spread sunshine as far as she can physically reach; if I can't bring myself to be very involved with her, then I'm not doing it right. She ended up idling out along with Suzu, but this particular problem was one that I already saw even a month or two before it actually happened. o\
Came back from work early last night. Usual shifts were 4pm~11:30 pm, but I did overtime from 1pm to 4pm and in the end when it hit 9pm and I finished my project, there was nothing left. So my leads let me go early. .....I usually don't work on Tuesdays, but they needed more OT people today, so I'm scheduled. HURR DURR.
I think I'll let loose my wallet and treat myself or something today. 8D;; Roommie baked me a cake! ;;; Felt so weird when she handed it to me, but I'm really grateful. We don't do holidays including birthdays back at my parents', and if you're just going to stuff me with another FRUIT cake, I'll pass thx. 8||||;; The icing feels like you're crunching through sugar, but it's chocolate base inside with strawberries on top. She tried to make it shape like a pokeball with the balance of red and white too, I'm so touched ;A; I know you don't really follow your eljay and I've already said this irl,
ninzake, but thanks again! ♥
ALSO BRB TSUKIHIME. HOLY SHIT I LOVE ARC SO MUCH ;A; Just finished her route, both ends, last night. Will get to Ciel today once I get home. SHIKI IS A BEAST. YOU DA MAN, TOHNO. I'm not really far yet since there's 5 routes, but is it just me, or...
1. NASU's ability to write sex scenes deteriorated from Tsukihime to Fate. :| I recall a mention of a tropical forest, but at least it's not BOILING PUSSIES. CHRIST, NASU. D8;;;
2. Tsukihime had better heroines PERIOD, but Fate had far richer support characters
?_? Idle observations done after Arc route. I still need to hunt down the Realta Nua voice patch to replay Fate. I also need to look into Higurashi and Umineko after I'm done with Type-Moon... provided that I don't go out hunting for Melty Blood after I finish Tsukihime. 8D;;;
Also stalking /fate/ forever. My fandom trolls itself, I swear. OTL