Проба "пера", третий язык

Dec 10, 2015 11:27

Suddenly he realized he was underwater deep. It was very dark. Disoriented and already horrified, he turned his face to the sides, up and down, in all directions, eyes open wide trying to catch a glimpse of light. No hope. Salty cold water was stinging his eyes, pushing through his spasmodically pressed lips, trying to find a way through nostrils, attacking ears with high pressured white noise. He was already past the point when one could inhale painlessly. Time was passing by slowly counting the seconds with loud heartbeats. He realized he was living the last minute of his life. Heartbeats became slower. His panicked mind was now calm. He closed his eyes. A picture from his childhood appeared before him, like an old home video: mom is giving him a bunch of colorful balloons, he takes them but cannot hold, and they escape into the sunny blue. This is his salvation! He squeezed his aching chest exhaling the last portions of the spoiled air, and felt how the bubbles hurl over his neck and ears. He turned and swam in that direction, swam losing his consciousness and clinging to now fast and pounding beats of his heart.
When he opened his eyes it was already light. He was in his bed, wet all of a sweat, his cat sitting comfortably on his chest, winking and purring gently at him. “Gina!”, he said to his cat, freeing his hands from under the blanket to caress her head, “The dream you have just imposed on me was… scary!”. “Mrrr”, responded Gina and opened her eyes wide. He kissed the cat in her wet nose and they both went to the kitchen to start a new day.
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