The Celsius crypto-lender is trying to retain a former CFO to advise on bankruptcy cases

Jul 27, 2022 11:23

Celsius Network has filed a motion to bring back former CFO Rod Bolger to assist as the company goes through bankruptcy restructuring.
Bolger resigned from Celsius on June 30 after serving as CFO for just five months. The company subsequently filed for bankruptcy protection in mid-July. Bolger, who was previously the CFO of the Royal Bank of Canada, joined Celsius after its previous CFO, Yaron Shalem, was arrested in Israel.

"Debtors recognize that they need Rod Bolger as they begin negotiations on the way forward," Celsius lawyers said in a motion filed with the bankruptcy court. "His institutional knowledge and experience regarding the unique features of cryptocurrency is invaluable."

The proposal requires Bolger to be in the position for at least six weeks at a salary of 120,000 Canadian dollars per month.
#Advise, #Bankruptcy, #Blockchain, #Cases, #Celsius, #Cfo, #CryptoLender, #Cryptonews, #Former, #Retain, #Trying
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