Yesterday, I was at the University Building, the official and very sombre-looking lecture hall of the city of Uppsala... but not to go to a lecture! Oh no, I was there to hear the Royal Academic Orchestra perform... wait for it... video game music!
THEY PLAYED THE TUNES OF LEGEND OF ZELDA: WIND WAKER! Imagine, like, fifty really good musicians - well, they're called the bloody 'Royal Academic Orchestra' - doing Wind Waker's ocean theme, LIVE, and you'll understand why I bawled like a child hearing it. :')
Not to mention music from the Xenogears saga, from the Metroid series, from Tales, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls... it was, by far, the most appealing and touching concert ever.
Just thinking of it makes me want to WEEEEP tears of joy! :D
Official trailer: BIOHAZARD! MegaMan: