Dec 27, 2010 15:08

Here's me shirking from my duties (= finishing my holiday assignments and handing them in to the uni, A.K.A. school work).
      Well, there are other duties to be taken care of, such as... such as posting to LJ.

I've had a lovely week off uni so far and two more to go before I have to return to Uppsala. Can't say that I've missed the place, as the most WODERFUL BITHS are in Ljungby during X-mas. Time has been spent doing various nerdy and non-nerdy things, such as:

- Gamemastering the roleplaying game Viking and having sushi.

- Visiting the art museum for a coffee and a chat about manga.

- Drinking beer and playing Settlers. Again and again.

- A Christmas dinner with Albert and his family, during which songs were sung and that holiday spirit was in the air.

- Hanging with the members of the Guinness Club and listening to a recording of Jussi Björling (one talented Swedish singer) singing "O, Hallow Night" in the middle of the night, while drinking Swedish snaps.

- A visit to the sauna in the middle of another night. Some people thought rolling in the snow naked was a good idea, but I decided to hold on to my health rather than my manly honour.

- Playing "Alias", a word-guessing game, with a collection of geeks. It. Was. Fun. A description of "everything"? Why, "42", of course!

- Train tickets to Norway were booked. Seems as if I really can't escape from this skiing trip now.  *facepalms*

And the fun goes on and on and on... I hope you're having a, whatsitcalled, X-mas, or jolly hollyday, or Yuletide, or Hanukkah, or whatever you're having. At least I'm having one. ;)

christmas, roleplaying, friends, sauna, nerdy nerdy stuff, alcohol, holiday, guinness club, games

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