(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 23:34

Okay, for those of you who don't already know, I am now in Singapore. (Bit sudden, we took off in a hurry due to my uncle being hospitalized for pneumonia. Or however the fuck you spell that. He has now recovered sufficiently to be discharged, and we're all back at the apartment)

Thankfully there is not much around in the way of family, just my uncle and my (German) cousin. The cousin is rather amusing. He doesn't seem to speak much english, and considering the only stuff I can say in German is " Bleischnuff!" (which means 'pencil') and "Ich heiBe Mridula" (a fairly pointless exercise since I'm sure he already knows my name) conversation has been...stilted. The only exchange we've had so far has been, " Hey, do you know where the food is?" (him)... " In the fridge where it should be?" (me)

Singapore is mega cool. I walked down the beach this morning, and tomorrow I plan to go swimming. Er, as soon as I purchase some form of swimwear since I forgot mine in Auckland.

In other news I have a new haircut and have learned the art of eyebrow plucking, and as a result I am a changed woman.

Sigh. I'm dead tired and gonna crash. I'll post more later, not that there's a lot worth posting. At least maybe until I take pictures. Whatever.

I won't be back in NZ for a coupla weeks. Try not to miss me too much, neh?
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