I'm completely in love with the Captain's Blog (rss feed
capts_blog) over at the
BBC America Torchwood site. Jack was in particularly fine form when blogging about "Meat":
If [Rhys had] got killed, I think Gwen would have grabbed a knife and made me go through eternity without the use of my mini Captain and his two lieutenants.
. . .
Ianto turned into a fighting, kicking, stun-gun machine, it was very exciting. I must get put in danger more often.
*is still laughing*
Still haven't watched ep 8. Tomorrow, hopefully.
In other news, I had a gum graft today. The worst part of the whole procedure was trying not to think about what was being done, because, ewww. So far it's not painful, but there's some mesh on the roof of my mouth that tastes awful, and I'm nervous about eating and getting food stuck in places it shouldn't. I suspect I'll survive.