A quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone whose birthdays I've missed in the last week or so:
sneezer222 and
jedirita!!! I hope you all had wonderful days--you deserve them. {{great big hugs}}
We're starting to get our kitchen put back together, thank heavens. The other day I put everything back in the pantry--we had pull-out shelves put in, and, wow, do they make a difference! For the next couple months I'm going to make a concerted effort to use a lot of that food; right now we have way more than we need. It's embarrassing. But at least we can see what's in there--no more shoving things to the back and forgetting about them!
We've still got three boxes in the family room to be put away, but that's an improvement. I think I'll try to get one more box done today.
Did I mention before that Matt's dad was the treasurer at our church? And that I've volunteered to take that over for the time being?
In a lot of ways I'm the best person for the job--I'm not working full-time; I have access to all the files at his house; I converted the non-profit I'm treasurer for to Quickbooks last year; and I've been working in the counting room for a couple years, so I have an idea of how things work... but it hasn't been much fun. First, it's just taking an awful lot of time to figure out the current system--I loved my father-in-law, and I hate for it to sound like I'm criticizing him, but the system he came up with is insanely complex. I mean, it worked great for him, and he did a great job of getting everything computerized, but coming in and figuring everything out has been really, really challenging. I just about lost it on Saturday, when I discovered that there are payroll forms we have to file with the IRS by 28 February. Oh, joy.
And the worst part is, I can't help thinking about him while I'm working on all this stuff, so I sometimes end up all sniffly. But I think he'd be happy that I'm the one who's doing it.
House photos later: They've got the vanity installed in the bathroom, but the stone guys still need to come out and measure for the countertop. I'm starting to think the whole thing might finally end. Someday.