Luckily for me, the copious amounts of water being dumped on the West coast haven't caused any major problems here in Eugene. Oh, rain. Every time I start to really hate you, I talk to my mom and am reminded that at least you are not snow.
Speaking of my mother (SEE WUT I DID THAR?), there are now only 16 days until my parents get here for Christmas. The last time I got to see them face-to-face was... last Christmas, so I am muchly excited. (Holy crap, I need to buy some presents.)
I have begun working on what is possibly the dorkiest crochet project ever. And I can't tell you any more than that. :D Except that I keep stopping and saying "You are such a nerd," to myself. Whee, craftiness!
I hit a rough patch after coming back from Thanksgiving (nothing like a week away from work to really drive home how much you hate it), so in an effort to buoy my mood, I shall introduce the Things That Are Awesome Today feature:
Avatar: The Last Airbender,
capslock_bleach (from whence came my icon; mmm, nog), the Tactics manga, leaked episodes of Dexter, new Bump of Chicken from