Darth's life in quick, bullet-point form!
- I decided it was high time for me to start exercising again, so I did a bunch of sit-ups and squats and whatnot on Monday while perving on Apolo Anton Ohno and wondering if Heather Mills' leg would come off. And lo, it has been rather longer than I thought since I last did anything physical. Any attempt on my part to crouch down nearly sends me sprawling when my thighs give out halfway. Hooray!
- I survived my leadership training last week, though ironically the biggest breakthrough I got out of it was that I really, really want to get out of banking. Heh.
- I go to Arizona this weekend to see Joshua Bell OMGWHEEEEEEE. And, y'know, see my aunt and swim in her pool.
- My practical final is tonight in massage class. Some people I've talked too seemed to be under the impression that after one term of study, I will now be a licensed therapist. Ahahahahahahahano.
- I had to drive to work today because they're power-washing our parking lot. AND, since I opened today, I'll have to leave it here when I go home and pick it on my way back from class.
- A general FYI to anyone anywhere going to a bank: No, we cannot find your account with only your birthdate to go on. Alas that you cannot recall your number, or your SSN, or even your own name, apparently.