Good Thing 1: I bought
More Adventurous at Target recently. Mmmmm, Rilo Kiley.
Good Thing 2: Netflix opened a center in Fargo, so now it only takes one day for my dvds to go back and forth. Huzzah!
Good Thing 3: My birthday is on Thursday! The Darth Parents and I went out to Red Lobster tonight to celebrate, since I work Wednesday-Sunday this week. >.< Anywhoodle, in the hobbity spirit of things, I'll be giving out mathoms to my flist in the form of pretty, pretty pictures.
Tonight's installment is entitled "Hey, know what I miss? The Olympics!"
Plus, bonus Alexandre Despatie at Worlds! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hobbity Canadian divers.
I like this one because the info bar makes him look nekkid.
For my birthday, I would like him to hug me like that. Please?
Feel free to post more pictures in the comments, y'all. :D