Mar 30, 2005 23:43

alienchick140: its youuuuu
DarthSurge: yeah
alienchick140: whats going on?
DarthSurge: I'm super ridiculously angry
alienchick140: awww why?
DarthSurge: stupid cops
alienchick140: what now?
DarthSurge: got pulled over and hassled for like 20 minutes
DarthSurge: for no reason
alienchick140: do they just say "oh this is andi.....lets piss him off"
alienchick140: and follow you just to do that
DarthSurge: worse
DarthSurge: he is blocking a stop sign first of all, parked in front of it on a hill
alienchick140: ok....what did you do now?.....you're such a bad kid andi......i cant believe it
DarthSurge: my radar was going off, so I knew there was a cop
DarthSurge: I saw the stop sign somehow and slowed down anyway and then saw him
DarthSurge: I stop, he looks at me and my car
DarthSurge: I wait, then I drive slowly
DarthSurge: he waits there
DarthSurge: I drive like 200 feet and then he pulls out
DarthSurge: he speeds up and tailgates me
DarthSurge: after a little bit he then decides to put lights on
alienchick140: maybe he doesnt like volkswagens
DarthSurge: I pull over instantly and he gets right behind me and puts on his search light aimed at my mirror to blind me
DarthSurge: he waits about 5 minutes before coming to me window
DarthSurge: said I was doing 38 in a 25 which was totally BS
DarthSurge: so naturally he won't show my the radar gun, cause he is making it all up
alienchick140: cant you ask them to see how fast you were going?
DarthSurge: so he takes my papers and goes back to his car for another 5 minuets
DarthSurge: oh, and as luck had it, my license wasn't in my wallet
DarthSurge: it was at home, but I had no idea
DarthSurge: so my friend showed him his license and I showed my college ID since we were still on campus
alienchick140: you were with someone?
DarthSurge: my best friend Mike
DarthSurge: I was giving him a ride home
alienchick140: the famous mike
DarthSurge: so the cop finally comes back
DarthSurge: tells me that he doesn't like my neon light
alienchick140: say "too bad"
DarthSurge: which was now off anyway after I stopped
DarthSurge: but its better
alienchick140: what light
DarthSurge: first thing he said when he got back was....where is the paintball gun
DarthSurge: I laughed and said....what....there is none
DarthSurge: he of course doesn't believe me
DarthSurge: wants to search my car
DarthSurge: I said, fine, go ahead
alienchick140: you're just a pain andi.........you troublemaker
DarthSurge: so he looks in my window after I had to roll it down, for the back seat
DarthSurge: he sees an empty paintball pod
DarthSurge: which is just a round plastic tube
DarthSurge: I used it the other day to bring loose change to stop and shop to that coinstar machine
DarthSurge: so I have no idea how he saw that
alienchick140: maybe he stalks you
DarthSurge: it was pitch black, on my back seat on the floor, behind a trash bag, and its black!
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: its next to impossible for him to see it
DarthSurge: so I show him that its empty
DarthSurge: he picks it up
DarthSurge: looks in it
DarthSurge: shakes it
DarthSurge: looks in it with his flashlight
DarthSurge: tips it upside down
alienchick140: did he find anything?
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: finally realizes....maybe its empty
DarthSurge: duh!
alienchick140: did you have your drugs in it this time?
DarthSurge: then he asked what I was hiding
DarthSurge: nothing
DarthSurge: search my car, go ahead
DarthSurge: he finally realized he would be wasting his time and didn't
DarthSurge: so he looks aound the car now
DarthSurge: on the outside
DarthSurge: decides he doesn't like my blue side markers wither
DarthSurge: either*
alienchick140: blue what
DarthSurge: and then says I have an illegal license plate cover
alienchick140: idk all this car stuff
DarthSurge: so he is quoting me for a $500 ticket
DarthSurge: altogether
alienchick140: 500?
DarthSurge: of course he doesn't give me this ticket...nor write it on my record
DarthSurge: cause its all BS
DarthSurge: he was way out of line
DarthSurge: then....get this!...
alienchick140: ?
DarthSurge: he is standing there and said my car is too loud!
DarthSurge: its just idling with no radio on
DarthSurge: so I said.....you mean right now?
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: he said, yeah, you got some kinda headers or something to make the engine louder
DarthSurge: Mike and I looked at him like he has down syndrome
DarthSurge: and we kindly explain that its a diesel and thats how they are suposed to sound
alienchick140: kindly?.....after all that?
DarthSurge: he is soooooooo stupified
DarthSurge: duh.....huh?....what, how
DarthSurge: I...I...I din't know they made diesel cars
alienchick140: lol
alienchick140: i love you andi!!!!!
DarthSurge: still din't believe me
DarthSurge: I was about to open my fuel cap and let him read DIEZEL GAZOLE
DarthSurge: cause its german
DarthSurge: or just ask him to stand at the back of my car and smell the exhaust
alienchick140: no......really.....i didnt know your car was german
alienchick140: :-P
DarthSurge: so finally he lets me go
DarthSurge: considering that he had no reason to stop me, other than every other cop......cause its the end of the month!
DarthSurge: trying to fill quota
DarthSurge: we can't catch real criminals, so we tend to hassle young college guys at the end of the month
alienchick140: gotta get rid of those tickets
alienchick140: its you.......they are attracted to you
DarthSurge: my question is....how is it that I drove around with all my lights and license plate cover for like 6 months and no one stopped me
DarthSurge: maybe....cause its actually legal and no reason to stop me!
alienchick140: unless they wanna bust your balls
DarthSurge: I'd like to bust theire
DarthSurge: with a PAINTBALL GUN!
DarthSurge: ha ha ha
alienchick140: andi
DarthSurge: true
alienchick140: be nice
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: Mike is jealous
DarthSurge: he has 2 tickets and pulled over 2 times
DarthSurge: I have 1 ticket which was a lie anyway and I have been stopped at least 8 times
alienchick140: some cop in smithfield pulled my dad over to piss him off and to take 5 hours to tell him the brake light in his back windshield was out
DarthSurge: this cop didn't even notice but I have a light out on my back license plate
alienchick140: uh oh
DarthSurge: I wouldn't expect him to notice, he had down syndrome
alienchick140: thats a crime
DarthSurge: 'who knew that there was such things as diesel cars'
alienchick140: idk
alienchick140: even i knew that
alienchick140: and i know nothing about cars
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: I bet he couldn't even fine me for not having my license
DarthSurge: technically
DarthSurge: cause 'I stopped him for not having a license'
DarthSurge: he had no idea if I had it or not
DarthSurge: and really he had no reason to stop me, so that would be a tough one for him
alienchick140: dont you have to plug in diesel cars sometimes?
DarthSurge: plug into what?
DarthSurge: I never do
alienchick140: idk
DarthSurge: maybe electric cars...
alienchick140: someone said diesel
alienchick140: i was just asking
DarthSurge: well, my dad used to have a small heater for his oil pan that in the really cold winter nights he would plug that in
DarthSurge: so when he got in it in the morning the oil was warm enough to move around and wasn't frozen
alienchick140: what was his car
DarthSurge: yeah
DarthSurge: used to be
DarthSurge: be bought it new from the dealership
DarthSurge: and then I bought it off of him
DarthSurge: wow, this stinks
alienchick140: what?
DarthSurge: I wrote like a 3 page story about my adventure getting pulled over
DarthSurge: and was gonna post it on my website, but it just got erased
alienchick140: the convo?
DarthSurge: I was literally 2 sentences away from finishing and hitting update
DarthSurge: its on my other monitor, I was typing it while talking to you
DarthSurge: I had most of it done before you im'd me
DarthSurge: and all the sudden it just cleared all of it
alienchick140: umm....sorry?
DarthSurge: not your fault
DarthSurge: but just made my night a little worse
DarthSurge: I spent like 40 minutes writing it
alienchick140: cand you copy and pasye it onto something?
DarthSurge: and it was awesome, so detailed
alienchick140: cant
DarthSurge: no, cause its just gone, I was writing it on the site
DarthSurge: but then again, who would want to read something that long anyway while browsing my site
alienchick140: its interesting
DarthSurge: it was
DarthSurge: very
DarthSurge: yeah, so the ending was gonna say, my advice it not to put anything aftermarket on your car...unless your a girl or drive a honda
alienchick140: hey!!!
DarthSurge: no offense
DarthSurge: just general towards anything
alienchick140: im both of those
alienchick140: !!!
DarthSurge: I know
alienchick140: grr
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: but notice that hondas can have colored lights anywhere they want, tinted windows, license plate covers, really loud exhausts, and never get ticketed!
alienchick140: my car isnt like that so i guess my honda doesnt count
DarthSurge: and the fact that guys get pulled over a million times more than girls do
alienchick140: girls flirt and show skin
DarthSurge: but its true though cause at any store that sells anything for a car, you can find like at least 15 things to put on a honda, I'm lucky if I can find one part that doesn't fit my car, but I might get it to work somehow
DarthSurge: its cause honda drivers can get away with it
alienchick140: thats cuz doesnt everyone put stuff on a honda
DarthSurge: people would upgrade other kinds of cars too a lot more if they were able to
DarthSurge: if they sold VW parts as much as they sold honda parts, then there would be tons of tricked out VW's
DarthSurge: or...maybe not, cause if you don't own a honda, your at risk for getting pulled over for crap so the cop can run his mouth
alienchick140: andi.......breathe.......its ok
alienchick140: :-P
alienchick140: get a honda then
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: no thank you
alienchick140: didnt think so
DarthSurge: I'd rather drive a car that people don't think even exists
alienchick140: i just have one cuz its a car........and i dont have $ to get my cabrio
DarthSurge: diesel car....its like some kind of anomaly
alienchick140: there is a such thing.........a diesel car?
alienchick140: no way
DarthSurge: some say its just a myth
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: I say...is a winged monkey a myth?.....I didn't think so, and thats why I drive a diesel
alienchick140: andi....i wanna learn how to drive a stick
DarthSurge: ...
DarthSurge: have code-man teach you
alienchick140: and dont think sickly you purv
alienchick140: perv
alienchick140: *
DarthSurge: how is that p'verted
alienchick140: code-man?
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: nickname
DarthSurge: like on step by step
alienchick140: what is your car
alienchick140: does your car have a stick
DarthSurge: hey, would you mind if I used this convo on my site instead of retyping it all
alienchick140: andi.........hun........thats what i was asking you before
DarthSurge: I know
alienchick140: lol
DarthSurge: but I just wanted to double check
DarthSurge: cause its gonna have your sn
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