Wow - I am so freakin glad this semester is almost over. I am really looking forward to my summer this year, as opposed to other years, where all I do is play video games and sleep. Make no mistake about it, I will still be doing plenty of both, but I actually have other things to do as well.
A) Jobs. I'm gonna have at least two of them, both of which have their own personal benefits. For starters, I'm still at Hollywood video, so I's gets the free movies and 20% off anything else. Hell yeah. My other job is either gonna be a waiter(read as free food and cash money) or working at my friends furniture store (read as free Futons for my new apartment.)
2) Friends. I'm terrible about this, usually. Whenever a situation comes up where I kinda-sorta fall out of touch with someone, it appears like I fall off the face of the earth. This will change, as with my schedule and friend's schedules this summer, there will actually be plenty of time for hanging. Oh yes - party at Steve's House all summer long. Word Life.
5) Moving. I love my parents and my house and all that, but I'm getting my own place with two friends(Eugene and Chris Holder, we think... maybe just Eugene...not sure yet... will know this weekend though), and that is going to be so much fun. No parents, no rules, just me and my life. I can NOT wait. I look forward both to the freedom and the responsibility of having my own place. It needs to be done, and will probably be done in about a month and a half or so.
And, in closing - Marrowtech. Are we the best band in the world? no. Are we the best live show ever? no. But, we're real, and we're damn good. And every day we get better. We just finished writing a new song called Stop the Bleeding or THS or THC or something...haven't really named it yet... but it is beyond bad-ass. If you can be at the somewhere else tavern this friday, at 10, be there, as we are gonna rock that fucking place like a tornado. Plus, there's gonna be a bonfire at our singer's house after the show. so RECOGNIZE!!!!
Not to mention all our gigs, possible promotional contract, and our road trips - playing in front of 4-500 people in a month sounds pretty damn skippy to me, and also the West Memphis 3 benefit show will be awesome. Please come out and support this show. This is for innocent kids, not any bands. Go to for more info.
So yeah - I'm stoked about the future for the first time in a long time. The future's so bright, I gotta wear a 12-inch cock. :: checks pants:: sweetness - already prepared :-)