The Beatles remembered me!

Jan 26, 2010 00:06

So I am on Cloud Nine at the moment.  Why, you may ask? I am more than WILLING to tell you why.

SO.  I saw the Liverpool Legends tonight, and oh my God.  They were just as fantastic as they were the last time I saw them two years ago.  I got autographs from all of them, and even got to hug them all!  I was so excited I was shaking, felt like a total fangirl.  Now, I'll tell you the main thing that I was excited about, but it comes with an anecdote.

Two years ago, the Liverpool Legends came to my hometown (Lubbock, Texas) and since I was such a fanatic, my mom bought me tickets for Christmas.   I was ecstatic, and practically bouncing off the walls through the whole show.  When they got to the song Birthday, they called up anyone whose birthday was on or near that day to come up on stage with them.  I lied and went up anyway.  At the end of the song, I... well.  Basically, I threw myself at John in a hug that (according to my mother) scared him and nearly made him fall over.  I was just that enthusiastic.  Plus I couldn't reach George.

The tragic thing?  That night, we didn't get to stay and talk to them, and I was crushed.  So tonight, I was determined that I would talk to them.  I waited in line, bought a picture, and got all of them to sign it; when I got to John, I told him that I needed to apologize and told him what happened.  He stared at me for a moment before realization crossed his face, and he said, "Oh, yeah!  I remember you!  You were on fire, girl!"  And then he called down the table to the rest of the band, "Hey!  It's the crazy girl!  Remember her?" By this point I was giggling and bright red.  He then told me that, in order to make up for it, I had to give him another hug - a proper one this time.  I then hugged the other three, and George even recorded me giving him a hug on his camera.

I.  Am so.  Giddy right now.

Writing more SDCH tomorrow - feeling TONS better <3.
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