Isn't it Friday yet?

Feb 23, 2017 09:36

The weekend of sick came back for round two yesterday, when I rolled over to shut off the alarm and my stomach promptly tried to rebel via a wave of acid reflux. UGH. Called in, stayed home, ate mashed potatoes all day. Managed some nice homemade beef stew for lunch (90% veggie, butternut squash and carrots and potatoes and mushrooms with a bit of stew beef thrown in) and told the boss sure, I'm doing better, I'll be in tomorrow.

Woke up at 11:30pm, pretty much lost all of dinner, crawled back to bed and went to work today anyways. Stomach is made of dumb and stupid and argh. So far I've had a piece of toast and am nursing a room temperature ginger ale to try to shut it up.

Yesterday, being a sick day, was spent doing nothing productive. My dragon and I did go farm our spectral moose mounts on WoW via a million tons of archeology in Highmountain. Yay, moose mounts! Then we went and tackled the Hellfire Citadel raid in Tanaan Jungle back in Draenor, just the two of us. I think we ran it on LFR once during Draenor? I don't remember most of the bosses or any of the tactics. =P

Given we're 10 levels higher but only in PvE gear from questing right now, it's probably the highest level thing we have a chance of duoing. We made it through the first four bosses okay, though the trio of the High Council involved a lot of death. We tried it as tank/dps a few times, and could get down to the last one (usually the blademaster) before the damage over time tick just flattened us. DPSx2 was even worse, and then we tried tank/heals and even popping all my healing cooldowns I couldn't out heal the damned damage over time. Finally resorted to a guide, figured out we needed to do the three in a different order, and managed it with my dragon tanking her heart out like a boss and me healing like a mad fiend. I realize other people solo this shit because they're epic mythic raiders, but we're NOT raiders and this felt so damned bad ass and awesome! We did it!

Now we're stuck on Kilrogg Dead-Eye and I'm not sure I can button mash hard enough in DPS to clear the adds fast enough. We gave up yesterday, but I've got the time lock on the raid instance extended so we can keep working on it.

Also, randomly, Medibang Paint is my new favorite iPad drawing app, and jfc, it can enlarge a picture draw in it to twice its size, with no drop in resolution, with little to no pixelation from it. That's better than Photoshop can do! Now to take a current rough sketch with rough colors and do it up properly. Also to continue writing on the fanfic bits I keep picking away at during the commute. It feels so nice to be creating again.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
bunnies - Feed a bunny

rose:state of the rose, fandom:wow

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