Follow up to yesterday's post as I see how this RX is working for me. I could definitely feel it starting to wear off by the evening - I stayed awake the whole way home on the commute, but it was a near miss, and I couldn't coherently read without dozing off. Okay through dinner, played a bit of WoW after dinner (it's a household communal thing), and could definitely feel myself sagging by 9pm, to the point I caught myself chewing on my fingers to keep myself awake. Declared myself done by 9:30, toddled off to bed obscenely early, was probably asleep by 10:30. Win?
Except I slept much lighter than normal, so there were several bouts of waking up and being groggily aware that I was tossing and turning. (Ironically, my wife coming to bed did NOT trigger this. Smacking myself in the face with the damned wrist brace did, however. =P)
Still, overall I've had more sleep than normal because the difference between "awake on stimulant" and "stimulant has worn off" actually register as "jfc I'm tired, go to bed". So partial win!
This morning was fairly awake and painless, and then I wrote on the morning commute. Not great words. Not even really good words, I don't think, but 800-ish words of sheer kid-fic fluff and hey, they're WORDS.
I *did* get distracted and fall down the rabbit hole of tumblr for awhile after getting to work, but work itself is sort of quiet right now this morning. I'm also currently eyeballing
artfeverfest which I should almost certainly NOT do because we know how this goes, self - you think you have ALL THE ENERGY in the world when really, you have 1.8% more than you had before, it just feels like stupendous amounts when you started at zero. Bad self. No. Don't go from zero to 60 in a sudden burst that's going to drop you on your face. (Also, the only fandoms you're interested in for that fest are ones that you've never produced anything in, you only READ in. So you're not really THAT interested. Stop it.)
On the other hand, the sort of wistful nostalgic yen to do something in fandom - fest, exchange, something - is a good sign. I haven't wanted prompts or the like in forever.
I've only had a cup of tea this morning, not coffee, so I'm not as super stimulated as yesterday. Interestingly, it makes me more susceptible to distracting things/noises, and more irritable about them - yesterday I tuned the boss' TV shows in the cube next to mine out effortlessly, right now I'm going to bite him if I have to listen to any more car shows. =P Headphones are a definite necessity today. Or more caffeine. =P
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