We lost Kimba last night, after a swift decline over the weekend when he started refusing food - he was the most elderly of the cats, something like 17 years? Ancient old man, skinny as a rail but tough as nails. We called him our ninja cat because his fur totally blended in with the mottled tan linoleum floor in the kitchen and he loved to be underfoot whenever anyone was cooking. This was his first real winter after living in Nevada all his life; he grew an amazing winter coat, all fluff, and for awhile he looked like a regal little lion with a full on mane around his neck. He demanded to go outside one afternoon and padded around the deck to inspect the snow. Total sweetheart and I'm so glad I got to know him even briefly. Also, kudos to Shrek, the bigger and darker orange boy, who was an excellent nurse cat the entire time and kept Kimba company and cuddled up and groomed him. RIP, Kimba baby, sleep well.
In other news I am fighting off a cold that has my head all stuffed up in that painful non-runny solid sinus sort of way, and someone has put the news on the TV at work and I am so very very out of spoons for current politics that I can't even. It's just painful to listen to and I know what we need is action but I'm sorry, the action isn't going to come from me. Not right now. I am not just out of spoons, there are negative spoons, and it's not like the "being a functional adult with a day job" part can be put on hold.
Yes, it is just sort of being one of those days. I don't really have anything good to say today. Sorry.
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