January Art-A-Day

Jan 18, 2017 11:02

I set myself a resolution to do more art this year (by which I mean, ANY art. Because art and I haven't been on speaking terms for the last several years since I escapedgraduated from the hellpit.)

What I came up with is a calendar. Or... kind of an advent calendar? The kind with individual little boxes, numbered randomly, and you hunt for the day of the month and it has a little toy or chocolate in it? Yeah, that kind. I made a bunch of random boxes on a page, all different shapes and sizes. I numbered them for January, 1 - 31, out of order and sequence so the numbers are random. And now I am drawing, each day, just for 5-10 minutes, filling in the box of the day. And connecting them into one big image, sort of a hand drawn collage.


I have to restrain myself from filling in more than the box for the day because I want to keep drawing. And yet, present me with a blank page, and my brain freezes up and my hands check out and there's just nothing. Big fat lots of nothing. But present me with an oddly shaped little box that's part of a puzzle whole on the page? and I happily fill it up and start plotting what to do in the squares around it. My brain, man. I don't know.

But in the meantime, I will continue drawing in tiny chunks each day, and you can expect a completed collage at the end of the month. And here's some in-progress shots of it, just because. ^_^

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. ::
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