Solar powered cat has no batteries and is not getting any sort of charge. The persistent rainy gloomy grey and nasty weather is wearing me down already and it's only November. Bleah.
Mostly I want a do-over of this week, defined as "this crap started last thursday". I'm tired and gloppy and everything is hard and I'm not enjoying much of anything. Or I enjoy it once I start doing it, but starting anything is HARD. Also I'm stuffy and sniffly and might be trying to come down with something. And work has been crazy. Seriously, this all needs a do-over.
I would like enough braincells to write, or take any of the classes available to me and actually learn something. I would like to have any desire to do art back. Or enough spoons to clean house and cook. I kind of don't have the spoons for any of this right now, and it's annoying.
Also, have I mentioned I'm a solar powered cat, and it's cold and there is no sun? Omg I hate winter. SMH. Really.
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