My student advisor referred me to my department chair in terms of the ridiculous internship. My department chair said he'd ask around, offered things like an remote work internship, but was pretty firm that an internship of some sort was going to have to be done and the class couldn't be waived or substituted.
I went back to my boss and bemoaned the mess. My boss made a lot of >__< faces and joked that I should go apply for our department internship position and be our intern - I could mentor myself! We laughed about it and then said ".....waaaaaait."
Upshot is that hopefully, if we swing it right, I will be my boss' intern - I will follow him around, do all the administrative stuff, go to the big meetings, and generally do all the stuff that's normally his work and not mine. In the meantime we'll get a regular intern into the print center to cover for me (ie, be a pair of hands for the rest of the crew to use).
I called my department chair back and clarified - can I do an internship in my current company? Yes. Can I do it in my current department? Yes, if the duties are different then what I normally do. So if I intern with a project/department manager position, that's cool? "Yes! That sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you!"
...well, we keep saying I need to cross train with my boss so that I can 100% back him up when he's on vacation. And upper management keeps saying they need to clone my boss so that he can be in more places than once. We just keep never having the time to do it. Guess now we do. XD
Crossposted from
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