Having been introduced to
the awesome trailer of "Un monstre à Paris" (a french animated film slated to come out later this year), I feel the need to share the love. There is also a fabulous
musical number for it, which I already love. Here,
have an mp3!
Also, I have been so far under a rock that no, I have never before seen or heard the original
Nyan Cat video. Now that I have... I can't STOP. x___x How wrong is it that I can apparently write anthropology papers while listening to the Nyan cat song? Very very wrong. But true! Here,
have another mp3!
On an unrelated note, yes, it also took me this long to figure out how to make my crossposted entries link back to each other. [headdesk] Hi, I'm a little slow on the uptake here.
Crossposted from
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