Status: in week 4 of 5, retaking the two damned classes that started the downward slide last winter for the third damned time. Really tired of copywriting and anthropology, now.
Week 3 of copywriting involved a group project, in which one person was designated the art director. I will restrain my rant, but suffice it to say that the person assigned as my group's "art director" began the class with a disturbing tendency to interrupt the lecture and it was always to pre-empt the subject so that it was All About Them. Completely neurotic about their perfect 4.0. As an art director? Made the professional art directors that I deal with every day look sane and possibly on valium. Seriously needed to take a chill pill and work WITH people instead of steamrollering over them.
I put on my happy genki face and played my part and turned my bit in, but by the end of the week the group had, for the first time I've seen in all the group projects I've had to do in this school, turned into a kerfluffle on proportion to what I usually associate with large fandoms - people blowing up with hurt feelings and their shorts in a twist and slinging accusations in email and a lot of butt hurt.
Today? I log in and find out the kerfluffle is STILL going on. OMG, the group lost 30 points! It is tragic! It isn't fair! It has to be the group leader's fault that everyone didn't turn something in right! (to be fair, the group leader, aka neurotic art director, put together the ugliest group project I've ever seen - apparently page layout is not their forté.) And the brick flinging continues, everyone pointing fingers! Waaah! Because OMG, everyone lost 30 points (except for one person in the group, and nobody knows who it is, because that's all the professor would say)! It's the end of the world!! (30 points? Is still an A.)
So I delete the kerfluffle out of my inbox and go check my grade. Oh look... apparently *I* was the one person who got a perfect score! LOL. I thought about it and the only thing I can think of that I might have done differently is that I submitted not only the group project PDF, but also my individual portion of it as a separate Word doc. Which is, afaik, standard procedure for every group project I've ever done for this school. My guess is that everyone else failed to do that. And are now shit slinging accusations at each other about who fucked up where.
[continues to delete things out of inbox] Lalalala, I do not care... I suppose I *could* give them a heads up about what they all probably did wrong, but at this point they're just being obnoxious about the yelling and wailing and I'm finding I just don't care enough to bother. =P
Oh, and then there's the perpetual sub-standard state of me...
Celexa is possibly a fail. Previously, it made me hyper - which is great for getting things done, but not so good when it's "hyper to the point of heart palpitations and ADD of the brain, plus inability to string coherent words together". So I went off of it. A couple weeks ago I went back on it because I knew I was spiraling down. This time around it's not making me hyper - it's giving me insomnia.
As someone who has ALWAYS been able to fall asleep at the drop of a penny, anywhere, anytime, no problem - this is annoying as all hell. I'm dead tired but I can't sleep. This is NOT a good combo. So today I went back to the doctor... I'm to start taking it every other day and they've put in an order for some other new pill that could replace it which I can try. Could take a week or two to get here, so in the meantime, switch to every other day.
Pain management is becoming an issue as my hip is only mostly well behaved. (This is partially my fault. I've spent a lifetime sitting cross legged and curling into half balls (left leg stretched out, right leg tucked up against my side) when I sleep. Training myself out of that doesn't happen overnight, and the sleeping position, in particular, aggravates the hyperextension of the hip in as much as my knee is up by my shoulder while I'm mostly laying on my back.) Add to that the foot pain on the same side (think of jabbing a sharp spike through the center of your foot, just behind your middle toes, every time you step down) which is starting to sound a bit like some early onset arthritis in that foot, and I'm less active than I ever wanted to be because everything hurts when I walk. Very very aggravating. RAR. Body, knock it off. Also, I've already got a tolerance for ibuprofen and naproxen is starting to rip my stomach up. Next in line is acetaminophens. v___v
What else? Cranky stomach is cranky, per normal, in periodic flare ups (Chipotle, Pot Bellies, McDonalds, all need to go on the banned food list. ugh.) Also, lime flavored Tums are the worst idea ANYONE ever came up with. WTF? UGH. Orange is okay, but lime?? Gross gross gross! (thankfully, between tums and omerprazole the whole acid reflux thing is pretty much under control, it's just limiting my choices in fast food. =P)
In short, though, I'm tired, my stomach is periodically cranky, and I'd like to not be in pain on a day to day basis. Really, if all of THAT could be taken care of, I doubt I'd be a perpetual week behind in classes, or feeling so overwhelmed by it that it's a mental struggle just to make myself log in and look at grades. =P