who, me?

Jun 23, 2007 05:01

Because sometimes you just want to test and see if your wrist has gotten over itself yet (yay, it mostly has! and I was very VERY careful and wore a brace and didn't strain anything). And also because sometimes you get tired of the slick pretty bishounen boys and just want to draw scruff and bed head and body hair, dammit.

Also, a test of a variation on the quick and dirty style. Look, inked with no underlying pencils! (ie, I went straight from blue line incomprehensible scribble to inking, no tight pencils inbetween.) Oh, oh, and ALSO, it's Aster's fault. We knew that, right? It's always Aster's fault. (okay, actually this is part of a gift bunny that's been lounging around biding its time.)

art:comics, story:ghosts:family by choice, story:ghosts:luck's boys

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