(no subject)

Nov 06, 2005 10:55

"But, yes, the Vaughn, sadly, is gone. I'm hoping they bring [the villainous] Sark back, because, hey, who doesn't like a little David Anders? I would be down for some Sark."

*grin* That's Rachel Nichols talking... hee hee..

and I was checking isohunt like mad for ALIAS 506..Even got paranoided that the show was banned from bittorrent community and I wouldn't have Rachel Nichols to see until, well, who knows when.

Turns out that it's only stop airing for a week for force-know-what reason. *fhew*

I guess that proove I'm really an addict. (ALIAS looks a lot nicer when Sydney is overshadowed by somebody else :p)

On the other note, life's so fun when you just had an operation to remove your inner teeth, and you have huge piles of work waiting for you to solve/finish. But what you end up doing is.. re-reading The Half-Blood Prince. Laying around the house and have your mother looking after you for the first time in.. err.. I don't know how long. My mom seems to enjoy it as well. At least I'm home to sniff at whatever she has cooked. Yes, sniff. 'Coz I can't eat and don't feel like eating even when it's pumpkin soup. Not that I've lose any weight, tho.

I can't imagine my boss's face when I return on Monday after two days of absent (four if you include Sat-Sun), with the swollen-still face and tell him that I didn't get any damn thing done 'coz I can't concentrate.

I wish he fire me.

Seriously! I really do.

But then, I also know that he won't. At least not before we've finish this project. But then again, there'll always be next project, and the next one, the next one.....

Anyway, anybody living in Thailand interested in National Geographic? My company have a deal with NG Magazine, using the picture for the display of our Plasma/LCD TV in SS Brand Shop. We're also having a grand opening of the new brandshop in Siam Paragon. I don't know the detail of the event yet, first they said there's gonna be a real tiger, but then I don't think we have enough budjet for that. But what's gonna happen for sure is that we're having some activities online, inwhich there'll be two or three pictures from NG for visitors to see & describe their feeling, writing a paragraph or two, then you could win a Plasma TV....I think. We're still having a meeting about what the price will be, at best it's LCD TV, at worse it's MP3 Player or D600/E750 mobile phone. It's free, anyway.

The winner would be hand-pick by *ahem* me. ... so as long as you don't have my surname, you can just enter and tell me that you've entered.

Oh yeah, and if you're looking for a new LCD monitor, Samsung is having the 'old-for-new' campaign again at Com-Mart this year. (770P is so nice, especially the dark-blue color :p)

By the way, it looks like Nichols will get her wish, as Anders starts shooting next week for a return by Sark scheduled to air in mid-December.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. it's official, I've lost my ability to write.
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