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saxifrage00 July 20 2005, 18:45:31 UTC
B.C. Senator Gerry St. Germain, an outspoken critic of the bill, fears judges are determining policies that should be decided by conscience.

"If we don't stop this ... I know what the next steps are. Euthanasia. Decriminalization of marijuana," said St. Germain

I think this is an appropriate place to say, "It's the Charter, stupid!"


All those pot-smoking, suicide-committing gays!!...? darthmaus July 20 2005, 19:47:50 UTC
Ayup. The judges are just doing their jobs, dude.

What I really don't get is the perceived connection between same-sex marriage and marijuana... like, wtf?! Is it on The Homosexual Agenda to be able to toke at gay weddings, or something?

Yes, decriminalization of marijuana probably IS coming up in the next few years -- but someone please explain to me what the hell it has to do with same-sex marriage??


Re: All those pot-smoking, suicide-committing gays!!...? saxifrage00 July 20 2005, 21:18:01 UTC
It's the "omg social liberalism! the first seal is broked!" reaction. To be fair, if the country seemed to be turning down the social conservatism path, we'd be pointing to a legal decision that was anti-abortion as a sign that more of women's rights are next for the chopping block.


Re: All those pot-smoking, suicide-committing gays!!...? greyweirdo July 20 2005, 21:31:06 UTC
Like what we've got going on here! Everyone is claiming that the Handmaiden's Tale and 1984 will be the model for society by next week.


But but but... darthmaus July 21 2005, 07:14:35 UTC
But abortion IS a women's rights issue, so there are connections with other women's rights issues. Weed is, last I checked, not a gay rights issue -- there is NO connection, other than "well they're on the same side of these tenuous, ill-defined things we will call ends of the political spectrum." Which is just retarded.


Re: But but but... saxifrage00 July 21 2005, 10:35:03 UTC
But, a political party with a successful attack on women's right would be feared as having all sorts of things up their sleeves for an encore-if they can be so callous with one right, they're going to be as callous with other rights. Or, so the erroneous but understandable thinking goes.

Conservatives just fear the other way around: successfully attacking a prohibition on something is seen as a sign that more liberal ideas they don't like are going to be forced down their throats. Personally, I think it'd be good for them, but that doesn't change the fact that they see one example and fear more waiting in the wings.


Re: But but but... darthmaus July 21 2005, 17:01:24 UTC
Oh, yeah, I know that's how they think -- the quote clearly demonstrated it. I just think it's retarded.


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