Urban Romantic City

Aug 17, 2011 23:38

The title comes from a Korean artist. Nice jazzy music without lyrics...

Anyway, in accordance with my resolution to write more, I am providing another entry. I slept over at a friend's house in the downtown area of my state's capital city (i.e. Denver). Before I did that, however, I spent 2 hours meandering through the blocks that surround the bus station. It was an interesting and refreshingly independent venture of utterly urban immersion. I was trying to find a cafe where I could read more gay lit, but I ended up going to a Starbucks, unfortunately. Must go elsewhere next time...

I've used the word "refreshing" to describe the experience. And truly, it is.Having lived in the suburbs so long, I like pure city and have a spot in my heart for the genuinely rural/country (country is the better word). I'm anxious to get to Shanghai next summer on study abroad, and I'm anxious to go to New York once I graduate from college. And if not New York, then Washington D.C. Law is in my future!

Prospects for the future aren't my only reason to be so excited about Denver. I also find the scenery really good for photography or some sort of film. I don't have the equipment for it, but lately I've been on a creative binge and I think I might finally finish writing a script by the end of this year. By extension, that means that I'll also be able to film and I'm going to do a lot more in the way of filming. (It is actually a part of my job.)

Lastly... the "dessert party" (more of an awkward gathering with approximately 8 college students sitting on a patio and looking at sweets) spurred a funny thought or two. I didn't know most of them, and a majority of the conversations devolved into high school nostalgia. It was odd to think of all the things I didn't do and haven't done, and how little that has affected me. At the same time, it underlined the fact that I was 4 years younger than the rest of them, which made that just slightly more awkward.

Alas, the second funny thought? My friend has a large house, and I slept in one of the spare rooms in the basement. No one else was on the floor, and it was quite well-decorated. I fervently recorded my vision of my dream house, only to find that it hasn't changed much in the past few years. Maybe I'll retire there?
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