Feb 15, 2009 22:41
The IRS sent me a letter saying they couldn't directly deposit my refund because either the account number or routing number was incorrect. They weren't. Fucking assholes. Now MAYBE I'll get my refund in a month, when I filed in early January. Thanks for the fucking help, and you wonder why you're the most loathed government bureaucracy! Hope you enjoyed your interest-free loan! Let me know when I can ever get such a sweet deal.
Also, fun note from Valentine's Day. Anonymous held a protest/demonstration in downtown San Diego, complete with Guy Fawkes masks (those V For Vendetta movie producers are making a killing from tards like this, aren't they?) and edgy internet signs and everything. No one cared, and I laughed. I don't disagree with what they say about Scientology at all--I agree with it. But the fact that they think they're making any sort of difference is the definition of LOL.