A new post Hooray!

Jul 02, 2005 14:22

Ok so I haven't posted in a while. Things are really looking up these days. I'm back in School and doing well in the class I am taking. I have a really good job working for the Unit on Functional Imaging Methods at NIH (we do resaerch on functional MRI, that's where they can tell what part of the brain you are using when thinking about something) And I moved into a new aprtment with a friend from school. I also seem to be developing some closer friendships. Today I'm heading off to a Halo 2 party. Yes it is a beautiful summer day and I'm going to be spending a lot of it inside playing Halo.

My bank keeping program is telling me I have more money then I should, so now I have to go back and find the error, gah, it is very annoying!
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