(no subject)

Oct 08, 2004 13:42

So Anyway, A few weeks back there was a career fair. I really dislike going to these things after a bad experience I had a few years back. I was talking to a recruiter from a company that does signal processing. She was telling me about soem software package that she assumed I never heard of, and nobody else heard of either. Well it just so happend that I had heard of it and used it a tiny little bit. I was by no means proficient, but I think the very fact I used it was good enough for her. So we started talking about stuff the company did and she asked what course work I was doing and what kinds of things I wanted to work on and it pretty much matched what the company wanted and I was very enthusiastic. Of course then she wanted to know what my GPA was. Its not that good(but you try beign depressed for a few years and see how well you do) I told her I had some problems I worked through so my GPA wasn't that good. Well at this poitnt her reaction was pretty much "Oh" and then she basically turned around and started talking to someone else. I know these companies want people with ability but they can't seem to decide if they want experience or good grades. Also quite frankly that was really rude on her part. If you only want someone with good grades why don't you just have a sign that says "3.0 and above or we won't give you the time of day" That way you wouldn't even get to get my hopes up and then crush them. Anyway I reluctantly went to this job fair a few weeks back. I didn't even bother to bring resumes one of the days (why bother I figured) But I did hand out some to a few companies. Most of them I haven't heard a word from (this seems to be the norm in corporate america, if they can't use you they ignore you) The only 2 repsonses I got were basically "no thanks". I'm glad some people acknowledge the fact I spent some time showing interest in them. The "ignore you" trend seems to leak over the the online job finder here at the University as well. I got emails saying "such and such" company invites you to apply. So I send in a resume to about 5 of these companies. I'm guessing they didn't bother to look at my profile and just sent out an invite to all the people in my major. However after I sent a resume I doubt they even bother to look at it, and then just look at my profile. They then have 3 possibilities after looking . Accept, Declinde, and Undecided. I don't know if Accept means they hire you or they are willing to interview you. But if they don't even want to spend the time to interview me I would like to know they at least can take a second to click "Decline". All the jobs I sent in a resume for are currently marked "Undecided". I know this may mean they really aren't decided but a few of the positions have "oncampus" interviews. I checked one of them and all their interview spots are taken up. So I'm guessing they decided there were better people to interview then me. That's fine, but they can't take a second and click "Declined"? That way I know I need to send out more resumes or that I need to work on something. But no, I guess not. With each rejection (or lack of interest on their part) the more it looks like I will have to move back to Cleveland. This is something I really really really do not want to do. I do not like it there. It is grimy, there is little culture, and the winters are ridiculously long and cold. But It seems I will have no choice.
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