
Jun 19, 2005 17:04

It's been a crazy week, to say the least, with finals and everything going on, plus the move and cleaning checks...

"I was held up. I have no excuses..." ~Anakin, ROTS

I finally got to two of my brand-new scenes in the The Ties That Bind rewrite--the training against interrogation and the coronation festivities. I think both went well and was proud of the way I handled Leia's very estranged mother intruding on the coronation, the threat of another kidnapping, and the aftermath. It was fun to do the coronation itself because it was a mix of Tolkien, First Knight, Intercollegiate Knights, Ghandi, and old-fashioned Ishisms. I've never done one before, much less one written in the dialect of Taiald that I've only used twice before--court Taiald. It's much closer to the greek syntax than the other dialects, so I had to be very careful with the wording, even though pretty much no one except me knows whether or not it's wrong. I finally had Leia get emotional with Bail, which was a relief because it's such a burden to write her as despising and resenting him. The interrogation training was interesting to write, since it was part psychological beefing up and part pharmaceutical effects. I had to explain how certain reactions would affect the effects of the interrogation, like how if it's injected into the bloodstream, panicking would make your heart race and pump it through your blood faster, so you wouldn't have much time to combat it at all.

In A Fool's Hope, I threw in one of my favorite twists that I have planned out--that Han and Leia were married before leaving for Endor and that she is barely pregnant with twins. That came during her reunion with Luke, which was bittersweet and wonderful to write, since there was so much of that amiable banter that we know is around because of their friendship, but he doesn't know if he can trust himself and she's afraid of what he's become. Nevertheless, her pregnancy elicited everything from "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww..." to "What. The. Hell. HOW?!" Not at all surprising.

I'm on a round-robin, very informal so far. It's about a padawan whose master is killed and she goes missing. Sort of like what i did with Keme, but this time, the perpetrator is a fellow Padawan and he's very sick-minded. I got to write opening introduction for him, where there was a kind of admiration, combined with the will to break her in every way possible.

Who's Your Daddy got rejected from the Archive because of the parody name of Sperry Jinger. I pressed Mariah for more information and she told me that they rejected it because they'd have to create a "parody" category just for it. I want to know why they can create a poem category and not a parody category. She gave me guidelines for resubmission--take out "never give up, never surrender," "panties," and birth control--but I don't know if I'll resubmit, only to get slapped in the face again. I might, just to do it. At least it's not Approaching Dawn, where they told me they'd accept it if I took out the major psychological impact of the whole story.

In All Too Soon, everyone's going :-O because I wrote Soontir Fel as a doting grandfather. I thought it was cute.
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