Okay, at last

Jun 08, 2005 11:33

I finally have one just for my writing and SW activities. This morning, I woke up, having slept 9 hours, since I slept at 8 p.m. I still feel like crud, but fortunately, this early arisal made me wake up with lots of inspiration.

So, I headed over to the boards.theforce.net, as usual and spent most of the time either reading/responding or laughing at idiots who shall remain nameless. I then started the 7-page Bail/Leia post from hell.

I love Bail, I really do. Okay, so he gets like 5 minutes on the screen in total and no EU time, but I've always been fascinated with his potential. I see him as a strong, compassionate guy.

This is why that post this morning was the post from hell.

Because I've got it all from Leia's perspective. She's just lost her mother, is in constant danger, and Bail's trying to do what's best for her and Alderaan. Those two don't always go together, understandably enough. My major challenge was portraying Bail in a very bitter light, where Leia's being made to keep up a strong front, but she hates Bail for it. I used the phrase "Marvelous hypocrisy" when having her describe him. Never thought I'd get the guts to do that to a character I'm so fond of.

The scene before that was Bail trying to console himself and his daughter just after the murder of his wife. There's a part I loved where Leia puts a hand on his chest and shoves him away in her anger.

[i]On some wild impulse, her bloodstained hand planted itself in the middle of his chest and shoved him backwards. He fell under the onslaught only because she had the element of surprise.

But when she was out of arm's reach, free to have her moment of weakness, her eyes were as dry as the Tatooine deserts.

He didn't seem to notice this fact, did not chastise her for the outburst that left him on his back momentarily. He only pulled himself into a standing position, eyes regarding her with something like pity.

She didn't want pity. She wanted counsel.

She wanted this conversation to be happening yesterday so she could advise Senator Organa to stay far away from the Senate.

Instead, the man she called father was watching over her with a streak of blood on the tunic marking the place where his broken heart still beat.[/i]

I love the marking the place phrase. I don't know why. It took me a lot of revisions to get this sequence to my liking.

The hardest part was definitely the scene after 'marvelous hypocrisy', because it's where I start to define the Alliance's presence on Alderaan and the motivations for sending Leia after the Death Star plans, even though she's just been held hostage by Vader.
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