I was reading
brightbeak's journal and was drawn to her Quizilla link "Which Canadian province are you?" Now not knowing this really hasn't kept me awake at nights, you know? Besides, I always figured I was Alberta. As if I ever thought about it before. :-) So I clicked on her link. Man, there's a lot of quizzes there. Wouldn't you know it? I couldn't find the one for provincial affiliation.
But I got distracted by an even greater attraction: which character from "Monty Python & The Holy Grail" was I? W00t! So I went for that one instead. :-)
Now I really did take the quiz honestly. Really, I did. And I'm utterly delighted to be identified as my favourite character in The Holy Grail. Sir Bedevere rules! :-)
You are Sir Bedevere! Wise and creative, you are
able to counsel others as well as come up with
some really ingenious plans of attack...sort
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY? brought to you by