Not only am I pleased not to be dealing with airports and airlines (and, most crucially, air travelers) today; I am also delighted not to have had to try to pack everything I'm bringing with me efficiently enough to fly with it.
Note that this is not Christmas, and I am bearing no gifts. What I have is four days' worth of clothes, and my cute brown boots because one of the days is a baby shower and I'm figuring a notch above sweater-and-jeans; jammies and toiletries, which take up practically no room at all; notebook for
yuletideing; iPod and car-radio-transmitty contraption; laptop; phone; camera; battery charger; various cords for all of the above; glasses case; handbag; knitting bag, which attaches to the handbag. Somehow this is a massive amount of crap. I've packed lighter for two-week vacations. I don't know what's the matter with me. I kept dropping things on my way out of the house this morning.
But now I've spent the morning at work, actually got some work done, also begun to make myself a hat on the pattern of the hat I made
sanj but in different colors and with the stripes in different places, and realized I didn't bring one of the colors I need. So, a stop at Michaels "on the way" around the Beltway. Sigh. Fortunately, I'm about ready to decide since I'm one of approx. three people in the building, it is permitted v. v. soon for me to get the hell out of here.
I will be extra-thankful if I can make it to Cleveland in, let's say, less than eight hours. Everybody cross what you can for me, eh?
(Oh! I haven't used this mood in ... a long time, possibly ever. Mallory and Leo! That's good, because I am thankful for my family, too.)