(image from
lunaris1013 via
cereta; free to take with a
link back)
Plan: get up early, go through morning routine, drive to polling place (fairly close by, but cold outside, and also time is a factor), vote, drive home and claim better parking spot than last night's on the street, get bus to work.
Reality: wake up early, go back to sleep for an hour, go through abbreviated morning routine, drive to polling place, queue, vote, etc.
Got there 7:10 am and out by 7:45. Not too bad, really. I was expecting either to get right in and right out or to be waiting for ages, so I'm not complaining at all about 35 minutes. And I got back up the hill and parked the car and was crossing to the bus stop just as the bus (the two buses, actually, that always arrive together -- remind me to yell at Metro about that) was pulling up. Hurrah!
Have now voted against marriage amendments in two states. For all the good it did last time (thanks, Ohio) or is likely to do today. In Ohio two years ago, actually, I remember the marriage amendment was the only statewide ballot issue; there was also a county issue and a local issue on my ballot, and I didn't especially care about either of them, and I really really wished there were a way I could trade my right to vote on those issues in and vote "no" on the marriage issue three times. I had to satisfy myself with punching the stylus into the chad as hard as I could, repeatedly. (Absentee ballots in Ohio are -- or at any rate were -- still punch cards.) Today, there were three state issues and four or five county issues; I cared about the schools and the transportation ones, but not really the rest, and would happily have swapped them to make my "no" vote carry more weight. Alas.
Now begins the poll-watching.