Nov 19, 2004 15:38
so i met the choir lady and sang a bit, and she was glad i had contacted her! if i'd asked to join her alto section, she said, she'd have had to turn me away, or if i'd said i wanted to sing soprano, but i'd never really sung much in a choir before, she'd have suggested i wait until next term -- but with the christmas carol services and whatnot coming up, the fact that i chose to phrase my initial e-mail "i hear through the musical grapevine that you might have room for a high soprano with some training and experience" was a good thing. :-)
warm-ups, she said it sounded like where she stopped the warmup was just getting into the middle of my voice. i could certainly hear a difference -- chapel acoustics are good for that -- between the beginning of the warmup, maybe around middle C, and the end, probably about F sharp or so, in the actual quality of the sound. there's a place around treble C-ish that things suddenly open up and sound much clearer, and choir lady is delighted to have a soprano who's not afraid to sing "so high" as the G above that. (note: i have never actually considered this note high.)
i continue to be in need of a music or a singing icon. anyone have nifty ones to offer?
if it be the food of love play on,
gratuitous icon posts