Nov 30, 2012 11:53
You know, I forgot something that was annoying me the other day, and I may have just remembered it, which is that I don't like how the Movie Voiceover Dude in the commercials is pronouncing "Anna" when he advertises "Anna Karenina".
That's sufficiently trivial that I'm not surprised I forgot it between happening to hear the commercial and spouting off in my post. :-) But I've just been reading Ebert's review of it - in which he unconscionably uses "flaunt" when he means "flout", augh!, so now I'm annoyed and thinking about Anna Karenina, and boom, back to my mind it comes.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. :-D
flames on the side of my face,
everybody's a critic (including me),
i am a language snob