I wish my boss would just get off my back. When I come in to work at noon, don't bitch me out for every little thing that has gone wrong. I don't start until 1:00. I come in early to catch up, not be chewed out. You aren't paying me yet, so don't scold me like I'm a child. I'll take that shit while I'm on the clock, but not before. And while I'm at it, I don't get paid enough for all the shit I do. I'm basically trying to fit a part time and full time job into 40 hours a week. Im stressed (not that you care), I'm overwhelmed and overworked, and if I make a few mistakes here and there, I'm sorry. But that's what happens when I have too much to do. Things slip through the cracks. And considering I hardly ever make mistakes, I think you can fucking deal with it. I do more work in one day than you do all week, bitch. You don't appreciate me, so quit telling me you do. It's just lip service. Put up or shut up. Treat me with respect or get out of my face and shut up. Dont lie to me. I hate liars. And I hate you. Fuck off and die.
And don't make me listen to another second of your stupid stories about your 'perfect' children and your loser boyfriend. He treats you so bad? Leave him. You don't want to, you got no one but yourself to blame when things go wrong. Hes a loser. You pay for everything. He doesn't have a job. He's a realtor who hasn't sold anything in a year, at least, and has no income. You bought a car so you two could 'share' it, and you never get to use it. Instead, he's either with you or you catch the bus. Pathetic. He's using you an we've all told you that, but you won't listen. And I think you're getting what you deserve, you selfish bitch.
You think you work so hard? Everyone in the office knows you don't really work, so quit your whining. So you can't take time off during the holidays. So what? Neither can I. And that a stupid rule *you* made up. You're the one who always tell us 'Dont take time off around a holiday. That's not right. It's not fair to everyone else.' take your own advice and quit bitching. It's not all about you.
I hate you so much. I wish I didn't need this job so badly. The second I find a better one, I'm outta here. I'm so done with you. I can't wait til I can tell you where to shove your bigoted opinions and abuse. Fucking cunt.
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