Apr 12, 2005 10:24
omg school sucks hard! i miss liz. i've seen tracy 2 times today that's so awesome. i miss him. justin is being a loser. will is a fucking loser. hangovers suck. I'M TRYING TO UPDATE BUT I HVAE NO LIFE! wow brock is talking about nut checks. my friends are so weird. if your name starts with L and ends with IZ call me. please freaking call me. life is so boring. my head hurts like a bitch. chris had an asthma (sp?) attack today in gym and had to go home. he's a sick fuck but he's pretty cool most of the time. ryan had a . . . i don't know how to spell it but it was bad. spencer keeps flipping down the screen. well class is ending.
<3 andi