My updated Roy/Tim au_abc table

Sep 29, 2009 20:02

Well sinceau_abc  updated their table I decided to post the new one with the links to the stories I've done so far. (A grand whole two stories!) The changes are for each letter there is now two choices, don't have to do both prompts - just one per letter - but their giving us a choice so if one prompt isn't working for me maybe the other one will.  I love the new change, didn't really want  to do a vampire story but either Roy or Tim as a villain? (insert evil laugh here)

Apocalypse & ArabianBangsian & BourgeoisieCelebrities & CyberpunkDaemons & DectectivesEastern & ExplorersFairy tale & Fantasy
Genderfuck & GypsiesHistory & HustlerInfinite cycle & InmatesJocks & JossverseKidfic & KilledLegends & Lost world
Military & MutantsNoir & NormalOlympians & OuterspacePirates & PrehistoricQuest & QuetzalcoatlRegency & Royalty
School & SteampunkTelepaths & ThievesUrbanites & UtopiaVampires & VillainsWestern & WizardsXenogenetic & Xover
Yeomen & YuppiesZombies & ZoomorphsCompleted: 2/26

tables, roy/tim

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