fic: A Moutain of Stuffed Animals

Aug 28, 2009 23:21

Title: A Mountain of Stuffed Animals

Author: darthbatgirl

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Characters: Kon/Roy/Tim, Lian, Chris

Summary: a day at the amusement part

Word Count: 1036

Warnings: fluff

A/N: written for the dcu_ffa summer challenge Using the prompt laughter from my table and the special prompt of s'mores.

The roller coaster cart crested over the hill and plunged down. The mixture of screams and laughter of the riders falter for a moment as they gasped for breath as the cart raced along the tracks. Once it hit the bottom of the hill, it veered sharply left and went over a smaller hill then corkscrewed up. The cart banked left and raced along the track until it dip down into a stomach-dropping spiral. It zig-zagged for a bit then climbed up a hill which lead to two loops.. After the loops it banked to the left and made it's way to the loading and unloading platform.

Tim, Lian, and Chris get out and walk down the exit ramp all smiling and laughing. “We want to do it again!” the kids chorus together.

Tim chuckles as he ruffled Chris's hair and gave Lian a one arm hug.”Maybe in a little while. Right now lets go see what Kon and Roy's been up too since we've been riding the rides.”

The three of them wandered around the amusement park stopping for lemonade, pretzels, and they even found a vendor that sold s'mores to finish it up with, eventually ended up where the carnival games were at. There they were at the ring toss game - much as Tim guessed he find them. There was just something about amusement parks and carnivals for Kon and Roy; they forgot all about the rides and mountains of junk food and went straight for the games and spend their time playing game after game, gathering a mountain of stuffed animals. True to form, when Tim and the kids found Roy and Kon, they had a small pile of animals was piled between them on the ground. Everything from Tweety Bird to snakes laid there bringing smiles to both Lian and Chris.

“More stuffed animals?”Tim asked. “Really?”

Kon smiled as he tossed his last ring to have it land neatly around the neck of a bottle. “But Tim, we won these for you.”

“Aw you really shouldn't have guys,” Tim said,sarcasm heavy in his voice.

“Hey how come he gets all the toys,” Chris asked from his place by the pile of animals. Holding a snake in one hand and a monkey in the other.

“Don't worry,” Lian said as she laid claim to the Tweety Bird. “Tim will let us take which ones we want then he gives them to a charity.”

“A teddy for the winner! Again,” the man who was running the booth said with forced enthusiasm. and handed over another teddy bear, this one had a Superman cape tied around it's neck to Roy, who handed it to Tim. “Except for this one. This is the one Tim has to keep,” Roy said a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Becawse we wuv him sooo much,” he finished in a sing song baby voice.

Tim shook his head as he regarded the stuffed bear, thinking back to the pile of super hero themed stuffed animals he had back in their room. “Come on guys lets gather up these stuffed animals and check them in at the main desk, we can pick them up on the way out,” he said as he tucked the bear under his arm and helped Lian and Chris pick up the toys. 'Then maybe I can tempted you guys into doing something other than playing the carnival games.”

“Aw but Tim we haven't even done the 'test your strength game' yet,” Kon protested as he swooped up an arm full of the toys.

“Absolutely not. The last time you played that, you broke the bell and made the carnie cry,” Tim said frowning.

“Aw but Tim . .” Kon protested.

“You made the carnie cry Kon.”

“Aw big mean super hero making guys cry,” Roy teased as he swept up the rest of the toys in one arm and wrapped another around Kon's shoulders and waggled his eyebrows at Kon over his sunglasses.

“Like you're any better,” Tim said as he shook his head. “You gave the guy at the firing range a forty-five minute lecture about gun safety.”

“Hey I thought this was 'pick on Kon' time,” Roy said indignantly.

“No, this is pretty much open season on both of you. Just because you both can win all of the games here doesn't mean you should.”

The acne faced kid that was attending at the front desk eyes went wide when he saw the three men and two kids come up with their arms full of stuffed animals. “Uh . . . may I help you?”

“We like to check these in please,” Tim said smiling at the kid.

“A-All of them sir?”

“Well if you see one you like feel free to grab it,” Tim said, pausing when Roy coughed behind him. “Except for the bear in the Superman cape. I have to keep that one.”

After filling three big trash bag size bags and taking the claim ticket from the attendant, Tim turned to around and asked “Who wants to ride the ferris wheel?”

“The ferris wheel? Really Tim?” Kon asked as he wrapped an arm around Tim. “I can fly higher than any ferris wheel around here.”

“That's not the point Kon We're here to have fun. To ride rides and eat junk food.” Tim said.

“Come on Conner,” Chris said tugging Kon's hand. “Lets go ride the bumper cars.”

Lian squealed and grabbed both of Roy and Tim's hands. “I love the bumper cars! Please can we go Daddy?”

Roy looked over at Tim and stuck his tongue out at him. “Ya know it's not really fair you got the kids on your side.”

Tim shrugged as he allowed Lian to pull him along. “It's not my fault.” He said shrugging innocently.

Soon Tim and Lian found themselves in a car being ramrodded on on side by Kon and Chris, who was being slammed by Roy. Tim was laughing as Lian cranked the wheel and slammed on the gas pedal looping away just to ram Kon and Chris from behind. As Roy watched Tim direct Lian, he had to admit this might have been more fun than shooting ducks.

lian, kon/roy/tim, chris, dcu_ffa

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