Title: A Strength of Mind
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Jason, mentions of Alfred
Summary: Jason is reminded of the day
Word Count: 394
Warnings: just a little bit of fluff
A/N: belated birthday fic for
stalinglim . Sorry this is so late hon.
It was a Tuesday.
It was cold, wet, and any crazy with a gun was out that night. It was also Jason's birthday. A fact that Jason had forgotten entirely. Somewhere between waking up and dodging bullets the fact just slipped Jason's mind. Not that birthdays were terribly important to Jason, even before dying they never terribly important, just a way of marking time really.
It only occurred to Jason what day it was when he checked his messages between gunfights and found that there was a message from Golden Boy on it wishing him a happy birthday and an offer to take him out for coffee. Jason was betting that Dick waited until he knew Jason was on patrol to leave the message, well he guessed any attempt at a relationship was better than nothing.
The next reminder that he wasn't totally forgotten was a card from Tim in the mail. It had a couple of blonds in bikinis washing a car with a gift card to an electronics store inside with a scrawled note saying he was out of town and to have a happy B-day. Jason chuckled as he tossed it on the table with some bills and a couple of pieces of junk mail. How long had it been where he lived some place to get junk mail and bills? He smiled as he shrugged of of his leather coat and hung it on the back of one of the chairs, but before he got to far into his apartment, a brightly colored package caught his eye. He walked back to the table
Jason tore off the wrapping and lifted the lid to show a small glass figurine of an unicorn laying on a nest of tissue paper. A small envelope was placed underneath, Jason put down the box and opened the envelope to reveal a familiar handwriting.
“The unicorn,” Jason read, “Stands for gentleness, goodness, and strength of mind. All things I associate with you. Many happy returns on this day. Yours truly, Alfred Pennyworth.”
Jason took the figurine out of the box. He could see it was finely crafted He walked over to a bookcase and placed it gently on a spot he cleared off for it. A smile played at the corner of his mouth as he regarded his present Maybe birthdays were so bad.